Can Childhood Trauma Cause Someone To Disconnect From Their Emotional Self?
In the same way that different tools serve a different function, different parts of someone’s being are the same. When it comes to their physical body, this part will give them the ability to move and to get things done.
6 Dangers From A Prolonged Period Of Inflation!Throughout, history, we have experienced, a variety of economic conditions, and circumstances, including, recession, inflation, and somewhere, in – between! For a few years, we experienced, very – low inflation, largely, caused by a variety of conditions, world – wide, and largely, disrupted – by, the ramifications, and impacts, created and caused, by this horrific pandemic! Currently, we seem to be experiencing, a serious amount of inflation, created, by many factors, including, but, not, limited – to: post – pandemic ramifications; Supply and Demand issues, caused, to a large – degree, by, supply – chain, issues; maintaining, unrealistically – low,…
Why So Many Groups Are Losing Their Relevance?Many organizations seem to wonder, why they have smaller memberships, lose so many potential and/ or actual members, and, in other ways, seem to be LOSING their relevance, and sustainability, but, continue, with remaining within the self – imposed restrictions and restraints of their perceived, comfort zones, when they should be, proactively, avoiding the same – old, same – old, and, rather, thinking, outside – the – box, creating the best – possible, strategic and action plans, going – forward! After, over four decades, of involvement, in, nearly, everything, related to effectively, leading, from identifying, and qualifying, to training, developing, and…
Beware, America, Of The Dangers WITHIN!Although, the United States of America, throughout its history, has confronted threats to its national security/ safety, many times, we now face, perhaps, our greatest dangers, ever! This nation has fought wars, and police actions, and been active participants in the so – called, Cold War, but, as potentially – dangerous, as those may have been, the dangers, WITHIN, we seem to be facing, today, may be the most dangerous, ever! If, we hope to maintain, the American way – of – life, into the future, we must, proactively, address these, sooner, rather than later!
How to Determine What You Want to Do in the FutureBased on your life until now, are you happy? Would you like to change something? Would you like to do something different? How do you determine that? Look inside to find out.